Mustard Seed African School Ministries Weekly Radio Schedule


Huntsville, AL, 12 noon Sundays,

Station WBXR, 1140 AM and 101.3 FM


Tupelo, MS, 7:00 p.m. Saturdays,

Station WCPC, 940 AM and 105.7 FM

Tupelo, MS, 4:15 p.m. Sundays,

Station WCPC, 940 AM and 105.7 FM


Chattanooga, TN, 10:30 a.m. Sundays,

Sation WLMR, 1450 AM and 101.3 FM


Shreveport, LA, 7:30 p.m. Saturdays,

Station KIOU, 1480 AM and 94.9 FM


You can also find many of these stations on most Radio Apps so you can still tune in when you are away!


Each of the Links below have two ~15 min messages of Russ teaching God's Word. We have an entire series of radio messages that go through the Bible. If you would like to receive any radio message you may have missed, they may be requested by using the Contacts page and we will be happy to send them as attachments.


Radio Broadcasts 276 & 277 for Weeks 02-07 & 02-14 2021 >>

Radio Broadcasts 278 & 279 for Weeks 02-21-21 & 02-28-2021 >>